(512) 452-2195
Hours 7:30AM to 4PM Monday - Thursday
(512) 452-2195 7333 E Highway 290 Austin, Texas 78723
Open hours: Hours 7:30AM to 4PM Monday - Thursday
  • It is estimated that over 80 million people in North America snore. Snoring is a symptom of your body struggling to breathe due to a relaxed, narrowed airway; it not only reduces your quality of sleep and interferes with your sleep cycle, snoring can also cause increased blood pressure. And we all know it can also disturb the sleep of those around you! Fortunately, we can help.
  • Silent Nite is an affordable, custom-made, snoring prevention device. When compared to the moderate success rates of surgical procedures (20%-40%), Silent Nite snore prevention devices can be the first line therapy for simple snoring. You and your loved ones will be enjoying better, more restful sleep.


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