(512) 452-2195
Hours 7:30AM to 4PM Monday - Thursday
(512) 452-2195 7333 E Highway 290 Austin, Texas 78723
Open hours: Hours 7:30AM to 4PM Monday - Thursday

Your First Visit

Your first appointment will give us a thorough understanding of your history, your concerns, and your needs and wishes—before any cleaning or other treatment is scheduled—to ensure that you are getting the care that is right for you.

Click here to complete your medical history form before you arrive!

Click Here to Download and Complete your Medical History FormClick Here For – Acknowledgement of Receipt of Privacy Practices
Click Here For – Office Policies

This visit will take about one hour and will include the following:

• A review of your medical and dental history
• A visual examination of your teeth and gums
• A full series of x-rays
• An oral cancer screening
• A complete periodontal charting to check for gum and bone disease
• A physical examination of your TMJ (temporo-manbibular joint) and jaw muscles
• A cosmetic consultation
• An evaluation of existing and potential dental problems
• A treatment plan outlining necessary care, optional care, and an estimate of your insurance coverage
• IMPORTANT- Bring a list of your medication.

Seemingly harmless bad breath or bleeding gums may be symptoms of more serious problems such as periodontitis, sinus infection, diabetes, or stomach problems. Infection in your mouth can also cause increased blood pressure, complications in diabetic patients, and low birth weight. Recent studies have shown that the same bacteria that cause gum disease can travel to the heart and cause heart disease, too.